Hey there, my name is Nikki Sivils! I love to scrapbook, make cards, and spend way too much time doing all kinds of altered projects!! I once created a “Haunted House” that took 18 hours to make. I worked for 12 hours straight before my husband reminded me that I needed to eat! I do the same thing when I am creating my paper collections – I’m just in the moment! I am a huge animal lover and have three dogs – two of which are rescues. I’ve rescued hundreds of dogs through the years and have found wonderful homes for each one of them!! I carry a collar, leash and some kind of tasty treat in my car (and I make my husband do the same in his car!) so when I see a running dog lose on a street or highway, I can return them home safely or find them a home. My husband, Dan, and I volunteer for Pet Therapy of the Ozarks where we take our dogs to visit all kinds of people who are sick or disabled. My little 6 lb Yorkie, Bella, is an absolute celebrity at the Hulston Cancer Center where she visits the patients while they are getting their chemotherapy treatments. All the nurses and doctors know her by name!! One of my favorite things to do is spend time with our kiddo, Henry. In the summer time, we’ll send Dan to bed early and stay up, keeping each other company while we obsessively work on our respective hobbies. It’s great bonding time!
Starting Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker is a dream come true and it also means Dan and I spending pretty much every waking hour together. We “share” a huge old farm table as our desk; I’m at one end and he is at the other (And we STILL really like each other, seriously!!). Going from an attorney to an owner of a scrapbook company is pretty crazy for him, but for me… it’s “in-house” counsel!!! Gotta Love it!!
Thank you for your sponsorship, Nikki Sivils!!
We're loving all the awesome projects you all have made for your special guys!
They are rock'n!!

There's still time to enter your project for a chance at winning this fabulous Blueberry Hill kit from Nikki Sivils!

See here for all the challenge details!
Have a great weekend!!
What a great story. Where do I buy this paper ?