
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Good evening! It's time to announce the winner of our "forest friend" challenge:

The winner will receive the following kit from Scrap Friendzy!

And the winner is..

LOL! isn't this little squirrel the cutest?

Thanks so much Amber for playing along and congrats on winning this week's challenge!

Please email us at with your snail mail address and we'll get your kit sent to you!

Abby will be back in the morning with a cool breeze challenge and awesome prize for ya ;)

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I'm so excited! This was such a pick me up that I really, really needed! I'm sending off an email right now!
    Thanks again!


We love hearing your feedback! :) Thanks so much! ~ Abby and Suzanne